torsdag 3. desember 2009

Final school version of the game

Is now out on deviantART! Check it out! I will continue to update the game, so check back on the blog to see the progress. Here's a link to the game, as it is right now:

Sidescroller Final ..for now by ~Andbja on deviantART

mandag 30. november 2009

Case 10 report

Okay, finished with the project now. This entry is a bit late, but no worries. Okay, so different screens were made for win, loss, start and instructions in this case. They got their own buttons to communicate between each other. There are a few problems with the restart function, but nobody knows what to do with it. But the game is done for now. I will pick it up from time to time and finish it up completely, in time. I will also update this blog with my process.

søndag 15. november 2009

Case 9 Report

Case 9 is now done. This time, the task was adding sound to the game. This included both making background music, and sound effects. All sounds were to be triggered through actionscript.

This case was fun and a bit different, as it required us to work with sound. It was forbidden to use copyrighted music, so either it had to be made, or it had to be a file without copyrights. For my game, all background music was made by myself in Fruity Loops 8. Sound effects are mostly freeware from

Sadly, I missed the group meeting on Monday. There really is no good excuse for it, and I wish I could have been there, mostly because of what was mentioned about the group meetings in my previous report. There might also have been something important that I might have missed.

It was mentioned in my previous report that I had already learned a way of implementing sounds through actionscript. Thus, a lot of the things the instructors went through this Thursday were familiar. However, as the method I had already learned is really quite simple, there was also a lot to be learned, and a few of the explained methods were quite useful, particularly how to load music from external sources. However, as the method I had previously learned does the job very well; changing it seems pointless. It would also be a lot of trouble, as there are now several classes in the game. Then it would simply be too time-consuming, and perhaps, stupid to change all of these classes just to fix something that already works.

This case was, on my part, already done before it was officially started. Experiments in Fruity Loops were started way back between case 2 and 3, and thus, there has been a lot of time to improve. The music is by no means final, but the current results are satisfying. Unfortunately, this also means there has not been done very much on my part this week. As for actionscript, using the afore-mentioned method, 5 different background music files were coded into the game. A function was also made to make the music turn on and off, using number keys 1-5 to turn the corresponding music file on, and the m key to mute whatever is already playing.
This means there is no music at the start of the game, because it has to be turned on manually. This was done to avoid players not wanting to play the game because of potentially annoying music, until the music is final. The sound effects, however, are mostly final.

In the end, this case has been relatively easy, fun, and different from the rest. I enjoyed this case, even though most of it was finished earlier. I feel I have definitely learned something, even though initially thinking there was really nothing to be learned. This project is nearing its end now, so I am very much looking forward to starting the final case, and finishing up the game.

søndag 8. november 2009

Case 8 Report

Case 8 has now come to an end. The problem this time was adding objects to the game that the main character can pick up, as well as objects to avoid. Making a timer, as well as a point system, was also part of the case.

The main new things introduced in this case were arrays, and the "for" loop.

This week started off like the previous one, with the exception that everyone in the group showed what they had done to the others on Monday (this might have been done for case 7 too, though I can't remember it). Still, everyone sort of did their own thing after the initial meeting, instead of looking more at each other's work, and trying to help those who find this hard out. In my opinion, there could be at least a few changes here, as people in the group, myself included, seems a bit self-centered, and afraid to ask the others for help. It is generally very quiet every Monday. If this is because everyone understands everything they need to, then everything is fine. However, this is undoubtedly not the case for everyone. Of course, it is hard to know exactly what to do at the start of each case, but even just throwing some ideas out there for each other on what to do, and how to do it, would probably be of great help to anyone who does not have any idea where to start. In addition, it could be a great thing for the ones who already know where to begin to get some alternative input.

In the end, nothing was done this Monday on my part. In the lab that Thursday, the instructors had a very good presentation and introduction to Arrays and the for loop. These things probably made a lot more sense to many after this lab, at least it helped clear things up for me. However, there was still nothing done on my part to complete the case, even after that great lab session.

That Friday, however, there was finally some progress made on the case. After having briefly examined one of the examples uploaded to Fronter, the case was completed with relative ease. Most of it was done in about ten minutes, which really goes to prove that, once it makes sense, the Arrays and the for loop are among the easiest, and perhaps most logical things to do in ActionScript 3.0 that we have learned yet. It was not neccesary to read any tutorials or even the Beginner's Guide after reading the example, as it all made perfect sense after the lab on Thursday.

As for the case itself, there was made two different arrays for the objects that are to be picked up, so that there would be possible to implement two different types of objects to pick up. One for the point system, and one for the health system that was developed during the case. As for the objects to avoid, the enemy has been coded to work in conjunction with the health system, basically taking one hitpoint each time the main character hits it. The health object then refills one hitpoint as long as the hitpoint gauge is not full. If the gauge is full, the object is simply picked up and removed from the stage without doing anything. Even though it is technically a part of case 9, some sounds have already been coded in, as I learned a way of doing it from my dad a while ago. After careful consideration, a timer was not implemented. In its place, my dad helped me make a function for displaying a constantly updating framerate, which shows the framerate the game is running in at all times. This helps quite a lot in testing lag in the game.
On a side note, the graphics were almost totally remade for this case. See previous post for a link to the current version of the game.

Upon completion of the case, I realized that, for me, this has probably been the easiest case yet. This is undoubtedly closely related to a growing understanding for coding in ActionScript 3.0, and an above average amount of interest for the subject. The final two cases are highly anticipated.

lørdag 7. november 2009


Allright! I totally remade my game! It now sports new graphics, pickups (2 kinds, one for points, and one for health), and a new code for the enemy. It also has a point system, a working life system, sounds, and music you can turn on and off. The format is a bit too big for the browser, so press F11 until I re-upload it in a smaller one. It shows the framerate in the upper left corner too. Soo, give it a try! There is still no restart button though.. And if you're a fan of buggy music, try pressing a music button(1-5) and then switch the levels(page up/page down, the second level is more of a placeholder..). For some reason, it starts playing the same music again on the second level, without stopping the previous one..

Oh well, here's the link anyway:

Sidescroller Revamp by ~Andbja on deviantART

mandag 2. november 2009

Case 6+7 report

Case 6

This case revolved about designing new backgrounds and characters. Another thing we had to do was to think about our concept based on how much programming was needed and difficulty. I have now realized I have a lot to do, even if I am only working on a demo version, but I am by no means intimidated by the amount of work. If anything, it inspires me to work harder, if only to see how it will work, or if it even works at all. Another aspect of the case was to "sell" the concept here on the blog, which I feel I have already done in earlier posts.

In starting with this case, I considered this to be a break from the harder programming cases, as I had already created a lot of characters and backgrounds back in case 1. I also thought that this case is more individual, so I did not really sit down with the group to exchange ideas, or discuss already conceived ideas. In hindsight, this might have been a poor choice, since it could have contributed a lot to both my, and others' work. Then again, no-one really took any initiative to do this, and I think most probably thought like me. However, except for mondays, I don't see members of my group very often, so I cannot say that nobody did later.

Case 7

The main objective of the case was making semi-intelligent enemies. I say semi-intelligent because they are only supposed to follow the hero, and that is it. Possibly the hardest programming case yet for many, although I did not really think so. The only really new problem was that we were supposed to make a new class for it, and getting said class to communicate with the main class. Thus, we had to learn what a parameter is, and how to use it. The instructors in the lab on Thursday did a very good job at explaining it, and I had no real problems after that.

This monday's group meeting was uninteresting, really. I cannot even remember most of what we talked about, so there clearly were no good ideas or possible solutions to the case, and after starting up, it seemed like everyone just did their own thing, and nobody asked anyone for help or anything. Maybe that was just me doing that, but nevertheless, this meeting was, for me, just sitting around and doing something in Flash. I am not one to say that everybody did so, but I feel that I didn't get anything out of the meeting.

Anyway, I managed to finish the case, and I now have a sheep following the Hero.

/end report

Okay, we have been told to be more formal and "report-like" in our reports, but I honestly have no idea how to go about doing that. This report was an attempt to do just that, and I probably failed miserably, but I try.. Oh well, I'll get it right someday.

Oh, and here's the results, the life system is a bit f'***ed up, but once you hit the sheep, it should be okay. You've got 3 lives.

Side-scroller game WIP by ~Andbja on deviantART

tirsdag 20. oktober 2009


Right, I uploaded my results for case 5 to deviantART. It's got a few strange flaws, but since I can't really figure out what to do with it, it stays like that. Besides, it's really only the jumping that looks.. uh, well not at all, as long as you're walking to either side, lol. It looks right if you hold the jump button down though.. If anyone knows a solution to this problem, I'd be happy to hear it.

Oh, and my constructor function is starting to grow pretty large. I don't know if that's a bad thing.. if it is, I'll have to rewrite the code somewhat, something I hope I won't have to.

Anyway, here's the results :

Side-scroller game WIP by ~Andbja on deviantART

onsdag 7. oktober 2009

About the "3D" game..

Which really is more like 2.5D.. I guess I'll refer to it as that from now on, lol.

Anyway, it's UPDATED!!! YAY!!
Way more features in this version, like jumping, and, uh.. stuff(find out for yourself..).
I decided I'd upload an additional version instead of editing the last one to illustrate my progress.

Check it out on my deviantART profile. Remember to comment!

updated "3D" game by ~Andbja on deviantART

mandag 28. september 2009

Story time!

Allright, time to reveal the story to you guys. Like I said, the story is pretty huge, so I'm just going to tell you the plot.

Allright, here goes!

/epic voiceover: "It all starts one quiet night at a faraway saloon in the middle of nowhere. A cowboy is enjoying the quiet night, when suddenly the doors fly open and a battered figure enters the saloon. He collapses in front of the bar, and several people gather around him, including the cowboy. The battered figure looks at the cowboy and tells him what happened. It appears this guy was on a mission from God, and he's failed. His mission was to destroy Satan, who has grown powerful and threatens the balance of good and evil. To destroy Satan, he was presented with a holy sword imbued with the power of God. However, after an epic battle, Satan managed to overpower the holy warrior and shattered the sword into five pieces. After the warrior barely escaped with his life, Satan distributed the pieces of the Sword to five of his most feared minions with the orders to protect the pieces with heir lives. Before the holy warrior dies, he tells the cowboy that he is the next Chosen, and he has to gather the pieces of the broken sword to reassemble it, and defeat Satan. Thus begins an epic quest spanning six different areas. Will the cowboy make it? That is up to you as the player." /end epic voiceover

Riiight.. uh, I know it's kinda extravagant, heh.. But that's how I want it to be! I'm kinda getting the hang of programming now, so I guess it's just a matter of patience (for animating the, uh.. 40 cutscenes or so, the plot is going to be the first one, like some sort of intro), heh. Of course, I'm SERIOUSLY considering making only the first chapter playable for the school project, or I'll be COMPLETELY swamped.. Then I can always come back to the rest. It WILL be finished someday though..

Hey, a deviantART profile!

I just got myself a deviantART profile. This means I'll be able to upload my flash stuff, without having to convert it to crappy .avi files. Yay! I'll start with the programming I did at school today. It started out as an attempt to solve case 4, but it evolved into a bit more. It ended up as some sort of 3D space, with ability to move along the z-axis, as well as the x- and y-axis. Yay!
Add some music, and voila!

Click the link below to play, and please, give feedback!

Oh, and to be able to play, you need to click it first (on deviantART, not here. I figure you'd get that though, lol), heh..

A sort of 3D game by ~Andbja on deviantART

søndag 27. september 2009

My game.. gets a story?

Allright! The story for my game is beginning to shape up! It's huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge though, so maybe I'll consider making the game some kind of a demo version I can turn in, and then work on the rest later so I'm not constrained by time limits and stuff (mostly because of the cutscenes. I currently have to do about 40 of them, and some of them are going to be a pain in the ass to animate..). Expect a gigantic update later with the full story, heh.. or maybe just a small one with the highlights.. to keep you interested, hehe..

Case 3 report.. thingy

Okay, so I decided I'd try my hand at a report! Yay! Okay, I haven't done much of this before, so bear with me..

Riiight, case 3, the first encounter with programming in as3..

I had been looking forward to this case, because I was excited about programming (Still am :D).
So much so, actually, that I decided I couldn't wait. So, I went home the weekend before we officially started the case at school to learn from the master (sort of..), my DAD! He's got a lot of experience with java, which apparently is pretty similar to as3, so I thought I'd make use of the resources I had. The results of this weekend can be seen in one of my earlier posts.

So, what did I learn? Well, I learned a LOT! For example, I had my first encounter with the addEventListener thing, which REALLY helped me understand a lot of things. I realized that you need event listeners to make things happen, like moving my character, updating stuff, things like that. I also learned some basics, like inheritance, which after a while I finally sort of understood. I still have a long way to go though, heh..

Okay, so after a brief (two days) programming lesson, I went back to Hamar, with a lot of anticipation. And that Monday, we got started. I soon realized that, while I had certainly learned a lot of stuff from my dad, I didn't really know where to start. I had learned a lot of syntaxes, but I didn't know where to put them, I had learned about functions, but I didn't know how to make them.. and so on. But, after a brief introduction to the basics (again..), things suddenly started to make sense. And after building a basic script in school that Thursday, I finally understood where to start, how to make functions, what a class is and how it works.. yeah, everything kinda fell into place.

So, I started experimenting. After thoroughly failing at making the character jump, I tried adding a variable for the y speed ( I already had one for the x speed) and at least something happened. I was kinda happy, because I managed to do something that the teachers hadn't covered (the x and y variables) and got it to work! I felt like I could do anything now.. but that feeling is probably soon to change, heh..

So, this was a kinda report for my solution of case 3, I hope it's satisfactory (I don't know if it was really necessary, as it seems I already got the case approved, but in case I was wrong..). If it's not, tell me what's wrong and I'll take it into consideration on the next one.

About the "myth"..

It turns out I'm wrong about some parts of the "myth" I wrote about.. I tested it on another computer, and it lagged.. Buuut, according to one of the comments I got, the "myth"(for lack of a better word, heh..) may still have some truth to it, as it seems flash can take vector point amounts of up to at least 10000 (if I understand it correctly..). So, I think I'm still going to stick with the brush tool.

Also, I'm afraid I can't explain much about the EVENT.ADDED thing, because I don't really understand enough of it to do so. I think it's covered in the tutorial I posted though.. Have a look at it, maybe you'll get some answers, heh.

søndag 20. september 2009

Myth busted?

In my recently released "game" I think I kinda busted the vector point myth.. I used a background with a BAZILLION (23928 to be exact, and it DOES move.. :D) vector points and...

NO LAG?!?!

I think it depends on how you render the graphics. If you render at frame start, you're fucked, because the event will fire 24 times per second. If you render in the ADDED event, it renders ONCE, and that's it. This means delayed startup by a few milliseconds, but, uh, who cares about that, right?

Of course, this is the background, BUT, I tested with a character with a fairly high number of vector points, and he was happily, uh, flying around.

So... Myth busted? Comments are very welcome.

And as a side note.. FUCK PEN TOOL!! I'm sticking with my beloved brush tool. Brush tool FTW!

Programming session..

First attempt at programming a game, for fun really. I used the tutorial (and modded the script a bit..)I linked to earlier, so check it out if you haven't already. I didn't use all of it, so don't expect any enemies or pickups yet.

move character with left/right arrow keys
jump with space key
climb ladders with up and down keys

Known bugs:
you can fly.. if you don't jump after walking off platforms
you can't go down ladders from atop platforms or within the ladder.. or at all, really..

Still it's pretty good for a first attempt, no?

Download here (right-click, save as)

P.s, you'll need a .swf player to play it, but you might already have guessed that, huh?

mandag 14. september 2009

A background with something on it..

Okay, so I made a background for my most recent loop, and I decided I'd put something on it. Like, a preview of how I'd like my game to look when it's finished. Here, you can see how much the cowboy sux at jumping, and why he doesn't really like it. And yeah, people in my game can walk underwater without drowning.. for the time being, mwahaha.. Oh, and that fish is going to be an enemy in the game. I named him Fishie.. He likes you.

Animations! Aaand a loop..

I made some animations for the guitar hero. Well, one of them isn't really animated yet though.. Oh well..
Top left : With guitar (picked up)
Middle: Idle animation (while standing still)
Top right: Jump animation
Bottom left: Attack animation (can't decide if I'm finished with it yet, I think it's kinda cool the way it is, heh..)
Bottom right: Walk animation ( it's kinda small, so it might be a bit hard to see. If it becomes a problem, tell me and I'll upload a bigger version)

The loop is a new one I'm thinking of using for some underwater levels. Please tell me what you think about it, and if I should consider using it for something else..

Allright, I won't keep you reading anymore, here's the video.

søndag 13. september 2009

Well, whaddya know..

It worked! Woohoo! I even managed to squeeze the size up a bit from the last one, so it shouldn't be too blurry. Allright, enjoy the fabled "masterpiece"!! Oh, and this one is also supposed to sound a bit higher pitched.. I don't know what's doing it, but it probably has something to do with the filetype I'm using. I don't really know what kind of music file is best for flash, so I'm using something I know that it recognizes, .wav.. If someone could enlighten me, I'd be most grateful!

Yet another loop..

Which is supposed to sound higher pitched.. Oh, well.. Oh and I put it together with the same movie as last time, because I'm lazy, and don't wanna make something new, so yeah..

Oh, and the video is blurred because I had to make it a lot smaller because of the filesize.. Hmm, maybe that'll work for the other one from way back? Let's find out!

Hey, an actual animation!

I came up with an animation for one of my loops. Well, actually it's been lying around for a while, it's one of the backgrounds (W.I.P) for the platform game.

..If I can use it, that is.. stupid flash game.. I wanna animate instead, a lot less headache.. nah, just kidding, making games is fun!

lørdag 12. september 2009

District 9

Riiight, I just came back after watching district 9, and I gotta say..


Go watch it if you haven't already.

Aaand the other one..

Here's the other version. Remember to let me know which one is best, ok?

Even MORE music..

Wow, I'm on a roll here.. Right, this one has two versions. I'm uploading both of them, so let me know which one you like the best, ok? Since I'm still a bit unsure as to how filesizes works here, I'll upload the other version in a separate post. Wouldn't wanna mess something up by accident, right? This is another kinda factory-ish loop.

More music, yay!

It's not the awesome loop I mentioned before, but it's pretty cool. I'm thinking of using it as some kind of industrial/steampunk/factory kind of thing. Or maybe something else entirely. Let me know if you think of something else I could use it for. Oh, and I forgot to mention.. Both this and my previous loop were made with Fruity Loops 8 (demo), a program with which I consider myself...

..A complete noob.

Cool tutorial

I found a tutorial on programming for platform games in AS3. It's really good, definitely worth looking into. Url :

fredag 11. september 2009

Stupid brush tool..

This whole game making thing is pretty frustrating.. Turns out I can't use the brush tool in flash for making characters because there'll be too many vector points. Like this little guy, he's made up of, oh I dunno, maybe a bazillion vector points, and is likely to lag the game to hell or worse, and that's only one symbol.. Oh well, I'll just use'em in the cutscenes I guess.. Yeah, that's right, cutscenes. My game's gonna be awesome like that.. if I can figure out how to do it..

Oops, I forgot..

Okay, I kinda just jumped to the part where I spew stuff out on the blog, without defining the purpose of this whole thing. Okay, the purpose of this blog is to present a project at school in which we create a platformer game in flash. The process of this creation is to be presented on a blog, which is kinda why I started this anyway..

Alright, I'll just go ahead and present some kind of game idea. Here goes..

Title: Uhh.. I dunno.. yet. (updated later)

Synopsis/Plot: Meh.. there's not a lot to it yet.. (Updated later)


-The Cowboy: A kinda mysterious, cool, bad-ass type of guy, his eyes are almost always concealed by his hat. He likes to shoot guns, and isn't too fond of jumping.

-The Guitar Hero: A slightly insane guy with a serious black metal warrior vibe going on. He normally goes nowhere without his trusty guitar, but has made an exception for the occasion. If he does get his hands on a guitar though, he'll shred any enemy to bits -literally-, with his awesome guitar solo's. If he has to jump, he keeps with his style, and grows bat wings out of his back to fly for a short period of time.

-The Ninja: Uhh, I guess you all know what this guy does, huh? That's right, he's a NINJA! Which means he's a stealth master, and can use awesome ninja magic to obliterate his enemies! Okay, that last bit there is maybe a BIT exaggerated, because he's not that stealthy...and he can't use magic.. BUT, he's pretty good with a katana and shuriken. Oh, and he's red.


- JUMPING! Duh.. It's a platformer..
-COOL UPGRADES guns :D ..And jetpacks.
-RPG ELEMENTS Like talking to other characters, and getting people to join you.
-SIX COOL CHAPTERS Each with three separate levels.
-SWITCH BETWEEN CHARACTERS Use each character to beat each level.


Yeah, so that's my idea.. I know, I know, it looks too advanced for me, and it probably is, but hey, that's what I want to do. And, if I work hard enough, I'm pretty positive I can do it, so, yeah..


I can't get the filesize down.. Oh well, I guess that means it's gonna remain a secret, huh?


Arrgh, I can't upload the most awesome one, because it's too BIG! Alright, I'll try and make it smaller..

Playing around in flash

Alright, so I made these music loops and decided I'd put'em here. And, because it seems I can't put music files here.. I made some stuff in flash to go with it, just to show off the loops really..

Starting up

Okay, that's it, my blog is officially up and running. A bit late, but no worries. I decided I'd write in english from the start, as I consider this language easier to write in, and I'd have to do it eventually anyway. So.. Enjoy the blog, I guess.