søndag 27. september 2009

Case 3 report.. thingy

Okay, so I decided I'd try my hand at a report! Yay! Okay, I haven't done much of this before, so bear with me..

Riiight, case 3, the first encounter with programming in as3..

I had been looking forward to this case, because I was excited about programming (Still am :D).
So much so, actually, that I decided I couldn't wait. So, I went home the weekend before we officially started the case at school to learn from the master (sort of..), my DAD! He's got a lot of experience with java, which apparently is pretty similar to as3, so I thought I'd make use of the resources I had. The results of this weekend can be seen in one of my earlier posts.

So, what did I learn? Well, I learned a LOT! For example, I had my first encounter with the addEventListener thing, which REALLY helped me understand a lot of things. I realized that you need event listeners to make things happen, like moving my character, updating stuff, things like that. I also learned some basics, like inheritance, which after a while I finally sort of understood. I still have a long way to go though, heh..

Okay, so after a brief (two days) programming lesson, I went back to Hamar, with a lot of anticipation. And that Monday, we got started. I soon realized that, while I had certainly learned a lot of stuff from my dad, I didn't really know where to start. I had learned a lot of syntaxes, but I didn't know where to put them, I had learned about functions, but I didn't know how to make them.. and so on. But, after a brief introduction to the basics (again..), things suddenly started to make sense. And after building a basic script in school that Thursday, I finally understood where to start, how to make functions, what a class is and how it works.. yeah, everything kinda fell into place.

So, I started experimenting. After thoroughly failing at making the character jump, I tried adding a variable for the y speed ( I already had one for the x speed) and at least something happened. I was kinda happy, because I managed to do something that the teachers hadn't covered (the x and y variables) and got it to work! I felt like I could do anything now.. but that feeling is probably soon to change, heh..

So, this was a kinda report for my solution of case 3, I hope it's satisfactory (I don't know if it was really necessary, as it seems I already got the case approved, but in case I was wrong..). If it's not, tell me what's wrong and I'll take it into consideration on the next one.

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