tirsdag 20. oktober 2009


Right, I uploaded my results for case 5 to deviantART. It's got a few strange flaws, but since I can't really figure out what to do with it, it stays like that. Besides, it's really only the jumping that looks.. uh, well not at all, as long as you're walking to either side, lol. It looks right if you hold the jump button down though.. If anyone knows a solution to this problem, I'd be happy to hear it.

Oh, and my constructor function is starting to grow pretty large. I don't know if that's a bad thing.. if it is, I'll have to rewrite the code somewhat, something I hope I won't have to.

Anyway, here's the results :

Side-scroller game WIP by ~Andbja on deviantART

3 kommentarer:

  1. Like it. A few comments though. Perhaps you should try blurring the background a bit.
    Also, you should work on the walk animation, if you have time. it looks like mr. hero is just stomping his one foot repeatedly on the ground. :p also, it would be cool if u added some foreground elements. keep on keepin on!

  2. Kult hvordan han følger bakken

  3. Du må tenke rapport når du skriver om disse casene fra nå av, og skriv noe om hvordan det gikk på mandag,med labb og samarbeid i PBL-gruppa.
    Du har et godt produkt,men mangler rapport.
    Ikke godkjent
